Resep: Egg tofu salad with bean sprout & rice noodles yang Enak

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Egg tofu salad with bean sprout & rice noodles. Tahu Tek or loosely translated as Tofu and Bean Sprout Salad with Dark Peanut Sauce is commonly found in Surabaya and its suburban. The difference is only adding egg to make tofu omelet while the regular is only used cut tofu. That is the reason why it's called tahu gunting too.

Egg tofu salad with bean sprout & rice noodles We call this dish Moyashi no Namuru もやしのナムル (bean sprout. Bean sprouts is a healthy vegetable. This bean sprout recipe with tofu is vegan and vegetarian friendly. Bunda dapat memasak Egg tofu salad with bean sprout & rice noodles menggunakan 8 bumbu dan dalam 4 tahapan. Begini cara menyiapkan makanannya.

Bahan-bahan yang dibutuhkan Egg tofu salad with bean sprout & rice noodles

  1. Olah telur sebanyak 2 butir.
  2. Olah tofu, potong dadu sebanyak 1 block.
  3. Olah rice noodle sebanyak 1 lbr.
  4. Olah taoge sebanyak Segenggam.
  5. Bunda dapat Siapkan Bumbu sebanyak .
  6. Siapkan garam sebanyak 1/2 sdt.
  7. Siapkan sambal kacang (lihat resep sambal kacang) sebanyak 3 sdm.
  8. Bunda dapat Siapkan kecap sebanyak 1 sdm.

Easy to cook and goes well with everything! You can use them in salad raw. Bean sprouts have been traditional Chinese ingredients for a long history especially the mung bean sprouts. In Chinese, we call mung bean sprouts We were self-sufficient on food and many other things too.

Langkah-langkah Untuk Membuat Egg tofu salad with bean sprout & rice noodles

  1. Kocok telur, bagi menjadi 2-3 wadah. Beri garam secukupnya. Kemudian masukkan tofu yg sudah dipotong..
  2. Goreng tofu sampai kecoklatan..
  3. Rice noodle dan taoge, saya hanya siram air panas saja kemudian ditiriskan (sisa dr makan bakso)..
  4. Susun di piring saji. Siram dengan sambal kacang dan kecap. Sajikan dan selamat menikmati 😋💕..

As a little girl, growing different types of vegetables, making homemade tofu, sprout bean. Along with the tofu, I served (myself) Mung Bean Sprout Salad, but I cut the recipe in half and added a generous amount of cayenne pepper. Yes, when eating alone I can spice to my heart's content! The tofu was good, and it was even better, cold, as breakfast this morning. Bean Sprout Salad with chow mein noodlescuisine at home.