Resep: Javanese Salad a.k.a Pecel yang luar biasa

Fresh, Gurih dan Lezat.

Javanese Salad a.k.a Pecel. Pecel (Indonesian pronunciation: [pət͡ʃəl]) is a traditional Javanese salad, consisting of mixed vegetables in a peanut sauce dressing, usually served with steamed rice, or lontong or ketupat compressed rice cakes. The peanut sauce used in pecel is quite similar to those used in gado-gado, a similar Indonesian traditional salad with slightly different ingredients. Pecel Sayur is a traditional Javanese salad, consisting of boiled mixed vegetables (water spinach, soy bean sprouts, yardlong beans, cucumber) in a peanut sauce.

Javanese Salad a.k.a Pecel It has a large number of variations and it is the inevitable part of the Tujuh. Looks like Javanese cuisine, there's no doubt about it, Toppers. With Javanese special taste, this vegetable pecel is even more special when eaten with family. Bunda dapat memasak Javanese Salad a.k.a Pecel menggunakan 7 bumbu dan dalam 4 tahapan. Begini cara menyiapkan santapannya.

Bahan-bahan yang dibutuhkan Javanese Salad a.k.a Pecel

  1. Olah wortel ukuran sedang iris korek api sebanyak 1 buah.
  2. Bunda dapat Siapkan pokcay siangi iris sebanyak 3 bonggol.
  3. Olah kecambah sebanyak 100 gram.
  4. Olah air secukupnya utk merebus sebanyak .
  5. Bunda dapat Siapkan pelengkap : sebanyak .
  6. Siapkan sambal pecel siap pakai sebanyak .
  7. Olah Tahu yg sudah di goreng sebanyak .

This delicious Javanese salad is pretty special since it usually combines both fruits and boiled vegetables, even though it can be made without the fruit, as well. Some of the most popular ingredients whose combination makes this salad a mouthwatering specialty are manga , cucumber , peanut sauce , and rice cakes. Lihat juga resep Nasi Kuning "javanese style" enak lainnya! Pecel is Javanese salad with spicy peanut sauce.

Instruksi Untuk Menyiapkan Javanese Salad a.k.a Pecel

  1. Didihkan air. masukkan wortel lalu rebus 2 menit saja. angkat. sisihkan.
  2. Didihkan air masukkan kecambah yg sdh di cuci. masak sebentar saja asal layu sekitar 30 detik lahh.. angkat. sisihkan.
  3. Didikan air. masukkan pokcay yg sdh diiris dan dicuci. masak sebentar sekitar 2 menit. angkat sisihkan.
  4. Tata dipiring. siapkan sambal pecel yg sdh dilarutkan air. siap di sajikan.. selamat menjalankan ibadah puasa bagi yg menjalankannya...

It is served with warm Asian white rice with vegetable above with sauce. Additional Javanese cracker (peyek) with small shrimp and peanut. "Petjel Recipe Javanese Salad Dish" "Fresh Vegetables with Peanut Sambal" Vegetarian Recipes Food Indonesia [ASMR] Ear to Taste Cooking Trigger "Braingasm" effects! Pedesnya pecel ponorogo alias javanese salad of ponorogo. Didampingi klethikan peyek kacang dan bakwan jagung yang empuk gurih. Bar pedess mak byar njuk anyessss….