Resep: Caprese tomato salad (salad tomat ala italy) yang Menggugah Selera

Fresh, Gurih dan Lezat.

Caprese tomato salad (salad tomat ala italy). Within the borders of Italy, Caprese Salad is called Insalata Caprese. Anyways, Insalata Caprese literally means "salad from Capri". Caprese Salad - The Essence of Summer.

Caprese tomato salad (salad tomat ala italy) No cooking required, just slice, arrange, dress and enjoy. It's the perfect example of the power of simplicity: simplicity allows great ingredients to shine. Caprese Salad, Insalata Caprese in Italian, means salad from Capri, which is an Italian island. Bunda dapat memasak Caprese tomato salad (salad tomat ala italy) menggunakan 7 bumbu dan dalam 4 tahapan. Begini cara menyiapkan makanannya.

Bahan-bahan yang dibutuhkan Caprese tomato salad (salad tomat ala italy)

  1. Bunda dapat Siapkan tomat sebanyak 1 buah.
  2. Siapkan keju mozarella (yg khusus untuk caprese) sebanyak 1 buah.
  3. Siapkan daun basil (atau bisa juga daun kemangi) sebanyak .
  4. Olah Bumbu : sebanyak .
  5. Olah olive oil sebanyak 1 sdm.
  6. Bunda dapat Siapkan garam (sekitar sejumput/kalo suka asin bisa di lebihkan) sebanyak secukupnya.
  7. Bunda dapat Siapkan nya lada hitam bubuk (sekitar sejumput) sebanyak secukup.

The salad consists of fresh basil leaves, fresh buffalo mozzarella and tomatoes. The green white and red ingredients represent the Italian flag in the Caprese Salad. Green for the basil, White for the buffalo mozzarella and red for the tomato. Sun-ripened tomatoes, creamy fresh mozzarella and aromatic basil are flavor soulmates.

Instruksi Untuk Menyiapkan Caprese tomato salad (salad tomat ala italy)

  1. Cuci bersih tomat lalu potong2.
  2. Keluarkan keju dari kantong nya,buang air nya lalu potong kotak..
  3. Dalam wadah campur potongan tomat & keju,taburi garam lada bubuk,tambahkan 1sdm olive oil,campur rata.terakhir tambahkan potongan daun basil..
  4. Bisa langsung di sajikan atau bisa juga disimpan di kulkas dulu biar dingin..

This grilled Caprese salad is the perfect easy appetizer for Summer as the tomatoes can be grilled on a hot grill and the basil dressing can be thrown together within minutes. Grilling Tomatoes for this Caprese salad is super easy. Just heat up a grill pan or your barbecue to start. Slice the tomatoes into ΒΌ" pieces so you have nice thick slices. If you choose a cherry tomato, just wash them and leave them whole.