Cara Termudah Untuk Mengolah 101. Thousand Island Fruity Salad yang Lezat

Fresh, Gurih dan Lezat.

101. Thousand Island Fruity Salad. This delicious salad also contains all the vitamins A and C needed for the eyes and a glowing complexion. Combine all the ingredients for the vegetable and fruit salad in a deep bowl, add the low-calorie thousand island dressing and toss well. Quick recipe for healthy fruit salad.

101. Thousand Island Fruity Salad Fruits and/or Vegetables of your choice. Add Thousand Island dressing, Mix the salad together. Pineapple chunks, kiwi, strawberries, banana and papaya in a sweet pineapple-lime dressing. Bunda dapat memasak 101. Thousand Island Fruity Salad menggunakan 10 bumbu dan dalam 4 tahapan. Begini cara memasak masakannya.

Bahan-bahan yang dibutuhkan 101. Thousand Island Fruity Salad

  1. Olah apel sebanyak 2 bh.
  2. Siapkan pir sebanyak 2 bh.
  3. Olah anggur sebanyak 1 genggam.
  4. Olah strawberry sebanyak 1 genggam.
  5. Siapkan bengkoang sebanyak 1 bh.
  6. Olah jeruk, kupas, bersihkan serat nya sebanyak 2 bh.
  7. Siapkan jelly melon dari 1 sachet nutrijell melon bungkus kecil sebanyak 1 porsi.
  8. Olah saos thousand island (saya pakai merk maestro) sebanyak 1 botol.
  9. Olah SKM putih (boleh dikurangi) sebanyak 1/2 tin.
  10. Bunda dapat Siapkan keju, parut sebanyak 1/2 batang.

Blend all the ingredients together thoroughly. A salad that is packed with vitamins with the right combination of fruits and vegetables makes it a perfect starter for your day. The journey to a creamy tuna salad starts with Thousand Island dressing and mayo—with some crunchy celery and onions to make the trip more interesting. Best Sellers in Thousand Island Salad Dressings.

Instruksi Untuk Menyiapkan 101. Thousand Island Fruity Salad

  1. Cuci bersih buah, dan potong-potong sesuai selera, sisihkan. potong-potong jelly, sisihkan..
  2. Dalam wadah yang besar, aduk rata saos thousand island dengan SKM, tambahkan SKM sedikit demi sedikit. (kalau kurang manis tambahkan lagi SKM nya).
  3. Masukkan buah dan jelly yg sudah di potong-potong, aduk rata.
  4. Salin ke dalam wadah bertutup rapat, lalu taburi keju parut.. simpan dalam kulkas, sajikan dingin lebih nikmat. 😔.

Combine rice, celery, green pepper, onion, dressing, salt and pepper in a mixing bowl. I live to serve this side with any main dish. With pina colada yogurt and toasted coconut, the fruit medley brings a hint of the tropics to the table. Island Fruit Salad Recipe photo by Taste of Home. This is especially good on sandwiches vs. salads as it's not like the "authentic" type but more of the get down to basics type of thousand island dressing.